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Best 20-ton Excavator, Komatsu PC210-10M0: Effective and Efficient for Nickel Mining Process

08 June 2020

United Tractors, Jakarta – Helping customers’ businesses in the nickel mining sector to grow in Indonesia, PT United Tractors Tbk (United Tractors) presents a superior product: the best 20-ton class Komatsu excavator, PC210-10M0.

Nickel Mining Process with Komatsu PC210-10M0

Nickel mining process requires six steps including land clearing, road construction, topsoil stripping, overburden stripping, selective mining, and ore hauling.

Land clearing

The mining process begins with land clearing to clear the mining area from the plants on it. In the mine road construction stage to access nickel ore transportation, Komatsu PC210-10M0 as the best 20-ton excavator can be used as a material loading tools, making drainage and embankments along the hauling road.

Topsoil and Overburden Stripping

In the nickel mining process, two soil layers must be stripped; the topsoil and overburden layers. Stripping the topsoil layer will remove the topsoil layer from the pit area to the landfill site for reclamation. Meanwhile, overburden stripping will move nickel ore cover material from the pit to the disposal site.

Both processes can be carried out using Komatsu Excavator PC210-10M0 and a Dump Truck. With the slogan “I am A Perfect 10”, the PC210-10M0 is equipped with a 1.2 m3 bucket capacity, making the job faster and more efficient.

Selective Mining

After stripping the topsoil and overburden layers, nickel ore is extracted using the selective mining method. Selective mining is one of the characteristics of nickel mining. This process includes extracting and separating nickel ore through material waste using the best 20-ton excavator, Komatsu PC210-10M0. This product dimensions are very suitable for use in narrow selective mining PIT areas. With the features it provides, the productivity of the PC210-10M0 as a 20-ton class excavator becomes more optimal.

Ore Hauling

Next is Ore Hauling, a process of transporting nickel ore to the stockpile and then classifying nickel ore based on nickel concentration. Apart from being a loading tool, the best 20-ton excavator, Komatsu PC210-10M0, can also classify nickel ore based on ore grade in the stockpile area by separating and blending nickel ore to reach a certain grade.

Carrying the slogan “Deliver You A Stress-free Solution”, Komatsu Excavator PC210-10M0, – the best offering from United Tractors and Komatsu – performs nickel mining processes effectively and efficiently. Customers do not need to worry about the obstacles that might be found  at the mining site because the Komatsu Excavator PC210-10M0 can work optimally according to the customer’s business needs.

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