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United Tractors Provides Quality Services For Bus And Truck

27 May 2018

“As the “Leading Transportation Provider”, United Tractors not only sells premium quality products but also prioritizes the after-sale and quality of the bus and truck workshop it owns.”

PT United Tractors Tbk (UT) always presents the best products and does its best to keep customers’ truck and bus at their best performance. United Tractors is the agent for the UD Trucks products for goods transportation and the Scania bus for goods and passenger transportation. United Tractors understands the customers’ needs to realize security, convenience and speed in transportation business. Therefore, United Tractors applies the after-sales programs for routine maintenance and repair for bus and truck, such as:

  1. The engines inspection program (PPM), a routine inspection program to collect accurate
    vehicle data for repair recommendation,
  2. The vehicle monitoring program (PMA), a program to collect information on the vehicle location, operation time, fuel consumption, and even schedule for oil change and component replacement,
  3. The regular service program, and
  4. The training product support, a training program about vehicle management for the mechanic
    and driver.

Truck and Bus Workshop Facilities
Not only offering the routine maintenance and repair programs for bus and truck, United Tractors also provides qualified workshop facilities comprising the workshop area for repair, space for tools and equipment that can handle special tool and tech tool, ISO 9001 standardized spare-part warehouse, office, ready-for-use parking area, and car wash.

Certified mechanics are ready for works of service, inspection, overhaul, trouble-shooting, tune-up, spare-part sales, and technical consultation. For the after-sale, United Tractors presents three service initiatives: the standardized workshop service, the 24-hour advisory service, and the on-field service that can deliver the convenience and solution quickly and effectively for the customer.


The Workshop Service
To get a maintenance and repair schedule, customer can contact UT Call through 1 500 072 or call the workshop directly. Upon arrival at the workshop, customer should demonstrate the necessary document for security check-in before being allowed in. After that, customer proceeds to the discussion unit and meet the designated United Tractors official to inform the problem and to decide on the work, length of time and costs. United Tractors provides a comfortable waiting room. Once the maintenance and repair are finished, payment is settled and the vehicle is claimed at the ready for use (RFU) area for security check-out prior to send-off. Should a customer have an emergency situation regarding technical problems on site, United Tractors also offers special United Tractors Advisory Service.


24-Hour Advisory Service
The United Tractors Advisory Service is accessible 24 hours 7 days a week at 0815 100 500 72 or 0815 1150 0072 (sms), displayed on the sticker on the windshield of the truck or the bus. With this service, customer having an emergency situation will not have to bring the vehicle to the workshop, receiving on-call guidance by phone to address the problem until it is readily operational.


On-field Service
The on-field service is part of bus and truck services under United Tractors Advisory Service. A customer or a driver with troubled vehicle, who has contacted the Advisory Service, will immediately get United Tractors mechanics dispatched to where the vehicle is.

To reach the location easily, the on-field service is supported with United Tractors service assistance car completely equipped with tools, twenty branch offices across Indonesia for full support, eight support points spread in Java Island, and one United Tractors Partner in Solo. In Jakarta, the service points are located in Cawang and Klender.

Bus and Truck Workshops in Jakarta
To support this service program, United Tractors owns standardized bus and truck workshop, located on Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 22, Cakung, Jakarta Timur, serving only areas in Jakarta. This is a form of UT’s total commitment in the transportation business, well-seasoned by its experience in heavy equipment business. Following Jakarta, the standardized workshop service of truck and bus will be implemented in United Tractors workshops in Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi.

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