BC 573 RB-3
Construction(Indonesia) Bomag BC573RB-3 adalah refuse compactor yang memiliki lebar kerja 3.600 mm dan berat kerja 28 Ton. Produk ini memiliki tonnase yang lebih berat sehingga mampu memadatkan, meratakan dan menghancurkan sampah dengan lebih maksimal. Unit ini memiliki sejumlah kelengkapan standar mumpuni seperti manajemen mesin elektronik , dry-air filter, kontrol keausan pada sirkuit hidrolik, dan pelindung dari sinar matahari.
28.000 kg
Operating Weight -
3.600 mm
Operating Width -
304 HP
Engine Power -
Avg. Compaction Output (t/day/shift)
Powerful Tier-3 Engine
This product equipped with high powered turbo diesel engine to deliver maximum output. This diesel engine has high-efficiency and reliable to be operated in long-term project.

Perfect Traction and Compaction
The Bomag BC 463 equipped with an oscillating-articulated joint to make the 4 drums fully operational in all terrains. In addition, this product is also equipped with twin pump drive and load limit control to provide better traction and safety during operation.
Good Cooling System Design
The cooling system in this product is devised to draws clean air from the top of unit and is equipped with reversible airflow for easy cleaning.
Easy Maintenance
The product equipped with a spacious anti-vibration AC cab, suspension seat and very low noise level to provide operator comfort. Full hood design with additional platforms on the right and left sides is useful to provide easy access during machine maintenance.