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UT Connect: Easily Access the Current Conditions and Status of Your Machine

05 June 2020

United Tractors, Jakarta: UT Connect is an application from United Tractors for customers to use various services by connecting directly with United Tractors. UT Connect comes with various features to make it easier for customers to monitor their machines, including the My Equipment feature.

My Equipment feature on UT Connect

My Equipment feature can be used to determine  unit condition with various indicators and the current status of each unit. My Equipment is connected to telemetry data: a technology to check the equipment condition remotely. The telemetry data is displayed the information about the machine health and raises a warning if a problem occurs.

By utilizing My Equipment feature, users can find out the current status of the heavy equipment which are divided into Operate, Non Operate, Unit Caution, and Not Available categories. Moreover, machine efficiency can also be seen through total daily fuel consumption and total machine hours worked per day on the Equipment Monitoring page. It can help customers monitor the use of heavy equipment and maximize their work.

How to access the My Equipment feature is also very easy, users could simply log in to the UT Connect application via a smartphone and find the My Equipment feature in the bottom column.

UT Connect is a software application that can be accessed through PlayStore for Android and Apple Store for iOS. In the next article, we will discuss more about other features, which is the Working History feature.

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