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High Productivity And Resilience Are In Your Hands

28 September 2016

“In a concession with rugged terrain characteristics, the mining production process always needs resilient heavy-duty equipment with high productivity such as the hydraulic excavator, Komatsu PC850-8R1.”

In the midst of the current, increasingly challenging mining business, the role of the heavy-duty equipment is the main focus of attention of stakeholders of the mining industry. As a production tool, heavy-duty equipment needs to keep on improving its capability to cope with the challenges of the mining works in Indonesia.

Among the heavy-duty equipment that has the vital function in a mining operation is a hydraulic excavator. This equipment has a prime role in the excavation activities and the loading of excavation produce onto the dump trucks. To accommodate the market demand on this type of heavy-duty equipment, Komatsu applies the latest, fast developing, advanced technology into the creation of the tough, highly productive but efficient Komatsu PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavator in the 80-ton class.

Komatsu PC850-8R1 is the new generation of hydraulic excavators, which are the successors of the hydraulic excavators, Komatsu PC800SE-7, already known for their reliability.

High Productivity

Komatsu PC850-8R1 Hydraulic Excavator has gone through a series of research and development to become the superior product in its class. To accommodate the usage demand of high productivity, PC850-8R1 is equipped with the latest features to be able to give maximum production result to the users.

This product uses the latest generation of Komatsu machinery, SAA6D140E-5. Producing a maximum power of up to 487 Horse Power equals to 363 kW, the hydraulic excavator provides more power with a more efficient use of fuel by optimizing the fuel injection with the electronic Heavy Duty High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) system.

The standard bucket capacity of the new excavators is increased to 5 m3 from the previous 4.3 m3. The heavy-lift mode feature in Komatsu PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavators also gives 10 percent more lifting power during the activities of loading the stone or other heavy-duty materials. The digging force of this excavator is perfected with an additional feature to provide a maximum function power to increase the digging capacity by approximately 9.4 percent in 8 seconds, to maximize the excavation operation. More drawbar pull and steering force are also added to give higher mobility, even in quite steep work locations. 

Efficient Fuel Use

Fuel is an important component with a prime role in a mining operation. With the ever increasing fuel price, a heavy-duty equipment operation needs to be fuel-efficient. Therefore, a Komatsu PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavator is equipped with the latest features to direct the user to appropriately operate the equipment to be able to save the fuel use.

To be fuel-efficient, a PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavator is equipped with two work modes, which are power mode and economy mode, to be selected in accordance with the field-work application.

On the instrument panel in the cabin, an eco-gauge manual is provided to assist the operator in operating the excavator unit appropriately, in an environmentally friendly manner. An idling caution is installed to prevent the unit from staying idle too long, potentially causing a waste of fuel. This caution will be displayed on the screen if the excavator unit is in an idle condition for more than five minutes.

The auto deceleration and auto idling systems are the features that have the function of reducing the fuel consumption in the operation of a PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavator. Both features automatically work to reduce the engine’s rotations when the unit is not working for more than 30 seconds. This is to reduce the fuel consumption in unnecessary utilizations.

Safety, Comfort, and Convenience

The new design of the cabin has an improved capability to give a more quiet and silent ambience into the cabin. The utilized Operator Protective Guard (OPG) on the upper part of the cabin protects the operator from the potentially falling materials from the upper side of the cabin. 

The Komatsu Machine Tracking System (KOMTRAX) which is the standard feature in all Komatsu heavy-duty equipment is also installed in Komatsu PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavators. This feature enables the operator to utilize the control and long-distance monitoring functions over the heavy-duty excavator. The information obtained through KOMTRAX covers those on the heavy-duty equipment’s work locations, work hours, fuel usage, workloads, maintenance timing, occurring breakage, and a lot more.   

The convenience in having the maintenance and daily routine checks has become our focus of attention. A Komatsu PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavator is designed with the features that ease the daily maintenance by the operator. The machine’s check points are installed on one side to ease up the daily check-up.

After-sales Service

As the sole distributor of Komatsu brand equipment in Indonesia, PT United Tractors (UT) has established advanced supporting facilities in as many as 20 branch offices, 22 supporting offices, and 11 representative offices in Indonesia. Customers domiciled outside the capital city can conveniently make purchase transactions of Komatsu PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavators, as United Tractors provides prime services in a nation-wide distribution network from Sabang throughout Merauke.

For every purchase of Komatsu PC850-8R1 hydraulic excavator, United Tractors provides the after-sales services known as UT Guaranteed Product Support in the form of guaranteed spare-part deliveries, mechanics, repair periods. United Tractors also provides a 24-hour contact center called UT Call to respond the client demands of fast, responsive, and professional services on heavy-duty equipment products. UT Call can be accessed at this number 500 072.

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