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Understanding the ABS Braking System on Heavy Equipment

24 June 2024

United Tractors, Jakarta—The heavy equipment industry is constantly evolving technologically. In today’s technological age, the braking system has also advanced. One of these innovations is the anti-lock brake system (ABS), which is one of the components that contributes to the operational safety of heavy equipment. ABS can help lower the costs of maintaining heavy machinery.

The reason is that ABS technology can significantly lessen accident-related damage to heavy equipment. So, what is ABS? How does this work? Is it necessary to maintain ABS on heavy equipment? Let us find the answer in the following discussion.

What is ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)?
Motorized vehicles use the anti-lock braking system (ABS) to enhance driver safety. ABS serves the same purpose on heavy equipment, keeping the wheels from locking up when the vehicle suddenly brakes.

Like other motorized vehicles, heavy equipment has the potential to cause minor to fatal accidents when braking unexpectedly. Accidents like these are common when heavy equipment is operating on treacherous terrain. Heavy equipment without ABS will experience a locked wheel when sudden braking occurs. Locked wheels are impossible to control and increase the risk of accidents.

Locked wheels on heavy equipment are very dangerous for the operator. However, not only will operators suffer harm, but the owners will also need to allocate additional funds to repair damaged heavy equipment. This is why anti-lock brake systems (ABS) are so helpful for heavy equipment; they improve safety on the road, among other things.

In addition to minimizing potential accidents, what are the other benefits of the ABS braking system?

Benefits of ABS System on Heavy Equipment
Using heavy equipment with an anti-lock braking system offers many advantages. The following are a few advantages of ABS that you should know.

  1. Increased Safety

The primary advantage of ABS is enhanced driver safety. It will reduce the risk of accidents caused by wheel locking by ensuring that the wheels maintain traction on the road when the operator applies the brakes to the heavy equipment.

  1. Better Control

The use of ABS will improve the operator’s ability to operate heavy equipment. The ABS feature enables the operator to maintain control of the machine, mainly when operating on slippery terrain or performing rapid movements.

ABS also improves stability in heavy equipment control. ABS technology can help prevent the uncontrolled movement of heavy equipment when manoeuvring in slippery situations.

  1. Reduced Tires Wear

ABS works by keeping the tyres from locking during sudden braking, which can help save tyre wear. ABS performs best when combined with proper tyres. Good grip on the tyres ensures proper ABS performance and reduces tyre wear.

  1. Can be Applied to Various Types of Heavy Equipment

The most exciting aspect of this ABS brake system is that it can be applied to any heavy equipment. Several heavy equipment manufacturers utilize ABS in their dump trucks, excavators, and loaders. The use of ABS in heavy equipment demonstrates the industry’s commitment to increasing operator safety and security standards.

How ABS Works on Heavy Equipment
The way ABS works on heavy equipment is the same as on other motorized cars. These days, ABS can not only protect the driver and passengers in a vehicle but also safeguard the operator of heavy machinery. So, how does ABS work in heavy equipment?

ABS comes with sensors that detect speed and wheel rotation. When the brake pedal is pressed, and the wheel is about to lock, the sensor sends a signal to decrease pressure on the brake piston, allowing the wheel to keep rotating. Once the wheels begin to rotate again, the brake piston will regain its pressure. By fine-tuning the pressure on the brake piston, the system ensures that the vehicle slows down smoothly while the wheels remain unlocked, allowing for optimal control.

Importance of ABS System Maintenance on Heavy Equipment
There are four crucial components required for ABS to perform flawlessly on heavy equipment: the braking valve, speed sensor, controller, and pump. If any of these components suffer damage, the ABS may not function properly.

It is important to maintain the ABS during the heavy equipment maintenance procedure to ensure optimum function.

If the ABS component is not maintained correctly, it can damage the ABS sensor, resulting in the inability to detect tyre movement when it is locked. As a result, when braking occurs, the tyres might get locked, causing the operator to lose control of the unit.

Having after-sales service from a distributor can make it easier to maintain the ABS component on heavy equipment. United Tractors provides excellent after-sales service in the form of service program that monitors your heavy equipment, including ABS component maintenance.

This service program consists of UT PTA Services, UT PAP Services, UT PPM Service, UT PMP Plus, UT PSR Services, and UT GOH Services. These services are a form of United Tractors’ commitment as a Business Partner that every customer can always rely on.

These are some crucial facts about Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS) on heavy equipment that are worth knowing. ABS plays an essential role in ensuring the operational safety of heavy equipment. Improving operational safety measures can minimize the risk of unforeseen expenses caused by workplace accidents. Incorporating the ABS feature into heavy equipment significantly reduces the likelihood of work accidents, thereby reducing unforeseen expenses caused by such accidents.

United Tractors: Distributor of Heavy Equipment Equipped with ABS
Discovering distributors who sell dump trucks, excavators, or loaders with ABS braking systems is not difficult. However, United Tractors is the only heavy equipment distributor that can be relied on to provide a wide range of excellent after-sales services.

United Tractors’ service program offers maintenance services for heavy equipment, including its components. Qualified experts can efficiently complete cleaning, maintenance, oil changes, and repairs. United Tractors will always provide the best after-sales service to ensure that clients’ heavy equipment is in top shape and ready to use anytime and anywhere.

What are you waiting for? There is no need to hesitate to look for heavy equipment at United Tractors. In addition to providing various types of heavy equipment, UT also provides excellent after-sales service that you can enjoy. Visit the nearest United Tractors branch office or contact UT Call Service at 1 500 072 right now.

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