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KOMTRAX: Technology with Millions of Benefits

10 August 2021

United Tractors, Jakarta: KOMTRAX or Komatsu Machine Tracking System was launched in 2006 and is a wireless technology for monitoring heavy equipments. KOMTRAX can be accessed anytime and anywhere through a computer or mobile phone.

It provides customers with an easy way to track machine location, monitor condition, monitor heavy equipment performance, and gather the latest information on equipment condition with a single application. KOMTRAX has a periodic maintenance alarm to  help customer ensure regular maintenance and prevent operator misuse.

United Tractors, as a sole distributor for Komatsu in Indonesia, always provide the best product and service to its customer with the latest technology to achieve a perfect result and work.

Improvement The Latest Version of KOMTRAX

This technology is considered an important feature to help customer run their businesses. Komatsu is in the process of finalizing the latest version of KOMTRAX, which will be launched soon. It has been developed by adding some features that combine the technology  of one-time access  without password re-entry, a dashboard display that can analyze multiple products at the same time, each operator’s work information, and the information of all types of KOMATSU heavy equipments. The latest version of KOMTRAX offers customers an incredible experience.

With one simple step, customers can use the update version of KOMTRAX. All they need to do is transfer the user ID from the old version to the latest version. This is an important step to ensure the customer’s ID user is not removed and is still connected to us when the latest version ready to be launch. Note that the ID user can be transferred until August 31, 2021.

Customers can contact UT Call at 1 500 072, which is available 24/7 to support the transfer of the user ID.

Discover the impressive experience and benefit with KOMTRAX.


See also: KOMTRAX: Easy Step to Transfer Customer User ID

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