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UT Supports Construction Sector Through UT Support Poin

28 September 2016

“In a framework of expanding the distribution network, PT United Tractors Tbk (UT) has recently introduced its latest facility, UT Support Points to support construction projects in Java Island.”

Entering the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) this year, the competitive level of the national construction industry still needs to be increased. The Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) has expressed the view that the construction services market has continued to grow over the years, and has become one of the important factors in encouraging the growth of the national economy. KADIN has also appraised that the national construction industry has shown quite good performances over the years.

A construction research institution, PT BCI Asia Indonesia, has also estimated that the value of the national construction market is expected to reach IDR 446 trillion in 2015. The market value has increased by 14.3%, compared to that of 2014. Such increase is obviously due to the public’s trust on the new government.

Indonesia, under the command of President Joko Widodo, has also launched the development of the infrastructure as one of the country’s main programs. The infrastructure development is classified into a few categories, among others; air transportation, sea transportation, land transportation, railway transportation system, road facilities, electrification, and water resources

Such development program definitely brings some “fresh air” to the business actors of the construction industry especially in Java, which industry has grown so fast. The growth is inevitable because almost all aspects of national-scale activities are centered in Java Island.

Realizing infrastructure projects obviously needs heavy-duty equipment facilities. Therefore, as a distributor of heavy-duty equipment in Indonesia, UT is ever ready to provide the supply of heavy-duty equipment to support construction projects in Indonesia.

UT has always tried to improve itself to be able to achieve more than the adequate standards, explore the landscape, seek new business opportunities, also assist its clients in becoming the best in business by providing, not only the heavy-duty equipment, but also the latest facility, UT Support Point.

UT Support Points are the extension of UT branch offices located in Java including those in Jakarta, Semarang, and Surabaya. To cover areas in West Java, UT Support Points are established in some cities including Cilegon, Bandung, and Cirebon. Those in Central Java are located in Cilacap, Yogyakarta, and Rembang. Meanwhile, UT Support Points in East Java are established in cities such as Bojonegoro, Tulung Agung, and Banyuwangi.

Each UT Support Point is supported by two competent mechanics and, at least, a 20 m2 warehouse to provide an easy access to the clients to purchase machinery spare-parts, also get fast, timely services of repairs of their heavy-duty equipment. Through UT Support Points, clients can also request consultations regarding the spare-parts for their heavy-duty equipment.

Besides that, UT also provides UT Mobile Support (UTMS) facility, which is a shopping facility for clients to purchase heavy-duty equipment spare-parts. An UTMS facility is provided in the form of mini-bus on round-tours throughout the cities that have UT Support Point facilities.

UT Support Points are UT’s way of showing its good intention to establish closer relationships with its clients, as in the fields, the business actors often find it difficult to decide adequate heavy-duty equipment to use in certain situations, things worth considering in the purchase of strong and reliable heavy-duty vehicles and equipment, easy access to the spare-parts, also affordable prices. The business persons also do not want to be entrapped in situations where they manage to make low-priced purchases, but have difficulties to get appropriate spare-parts for the maintenance and repair of their heavy-duty equipment later on, due to the poor after-sales services.

UT Support Points are expected to the business operation of UT’s clients so the clients can really have the maximum benefits from their investment of heavy-duty equipment, which eventually give maximized profits to the clients.

Moreover, through UT Support Points, UT and its clients can jointly contribute in building adequate infrastructures in various areas in Java; also provide positive impacts on the island development. UT always supports the clients to improve the business standards to be ready to win the competition in the market.

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