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UT Tips: Heavy Equipment Wiring Maintenance

06 September 2016

“Every component in heavy equipment must be maintained to keep its excellent condition. And the maintenance must even start from the simplest component.”

Electrical wiring installation in heavy equipment must be done in accordance with the right procedure to maintain the excellent condition of the unit. Besides that, maintenance of the electrical wiring is also necessary to prevent damage. Following problems may arise if the maintenance fails:

  1. Damage on cable and connector
    Cable and connector installed on unit are vulnerable to damage due water and heat, be it heat from the sunlight or from the heat produced by the engine. As the cable and connector will be damaged faster due to deformation, maintenance is necessary for the wiring system.
  2. Damaged connector contact
    Damage in the connector is commonplace and it was caused by improper installation, corrosion, or oxidation. If this happens, it will cause intermittence on the electrical system.
  3. Improper cable connection
    Cable connecting by using crimping process must observe the right procedure. Failing to do so will result in the cable being connected improperly or being disconnected.
  4. Improper connector disconnection
    When removing electric component and disconnecting the connector, the right procedure is to hold the connector instead of pulling the cord. Pulling the cord may cause the disconnection.
  5. High-pressure water spray on the connector construction
    Construction of the installation of the connector on the heavy equipment was designed in such manner so it prevents water from getting in. However, if high pressure water is sprayed against the connector, the water can get into the connector and cause short circuit in the electric system. TO prevent this from happening avoid using high-pressure water against the connector.
  6. Grease Getting into Connector
    If grease or oil gets into a connector, this will damage the connector pin. To prevent this, clean the connector from grease and oil using clean cloth.

To maintain the wiring in excellent condition, UT Updates has following tips and tricks you can use.

  1. Cable bend

Before: cable bends with small radii and it is likely to break.
After: by making a bigger radii, stress point of the cable becomes smaller and makes it last longer. Reposition cable and be sure that radii and bend are six times bigger than the diameter of cable. Fix the position of cable by using clamp and bolt or other medium to secure the position.

B. Using cable conduit

Before: cable installed in the component is exposed and cable may be damaged and broken due to heat.
After: spiral conduit is used and cable is secure now.

C. Applying clamp on cable

Before: Cable is stressed by weight of the component and may move and suffer from friction resulting from running engine’s vibration.
After: Use of clamp will reduce friction.

D. Separating installation of hose and wiring

Before : Cable and hose combined as one.
After  : Separate clamps are supplied for hose and cable to minimize risks associated with friction between the two as the hose may move under the pressure from the hydraulic system.

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