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What is Ad Blue? Get to Know Its Definition and Benefits

31 January 2024

United Tractors, Jakarta – It is no secret that excavators, dump trucks, cranes, European trucks, European buses and other types of vehicles or heavy equipment produce carbon emissions that are quite worrying for the environment.

However, some diesel engines used in heavy equipment, especially those distributed by United Tractors, have been specially designed using SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology with AdBlue liquid so that the combustion results are more environmentally friendly.

What is AdBlue? And how can AdBlue improve fuel use efficiency and be environmentally friendly so that it passes Euro 5 regulations? Here’s the full discussion.

What is AdBlue
For those of you who are familiar with heavy equipment fuel, you must be familiar with the term AdBlue. AdBlue is a diesel filter liquid with urea content that has no odor, is non-toxic, and colorless but has a myriad of benefits for diesel engines in vehicle units.

AdBlue works with SCR technology to create healthier gas combustion results and comply with Euro 5 regulation standards. The way AdBlue is used is different from other fuels. Generally, fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber, but AdBlue is sprayed into the exhaust.

Later, the AdBlue liquid in this exhaust will provide a chemical reaction with the exhaust gas. This reaction is able to neutralize harmful gasses such as nitrogen oxides into water and nitrogen.

The use of AdBlue is also arguably quite economical because it is only 3-5% of the use of diesel. To cover a distance of 7 kilometers, only 1 liter of AdBlue is needed. How economical is that? Simply put, the use of AdBlue in diesel engines is equivalent to four full diesel fill-ups.

Benefits of AdBlue
Every year, the emission system regulations enforced in Indonesia continue to increase. Previously only Euro 2, in 2023 vehicles that passed the emission test must have reached Euro 4. In Indonesia itself, there are two types of motorized vehicles with Euro 4 and Euro 5 emission systems. Some use EGR or Exhaust Gas Recirculation technology and some have implemented SCR or Selective Catalytic Reduction technology.

Especially for diesel-fueled motor vehicle units with SCR technology, AdBlue has the benefit of being a liquid that helps SCR reduce exhaust NOx before it spreads into the atmosphere. Thus, the resulting exhaust emissions will be of Euro 5 standard, which is an emission standard that has definitely passed the test in Indonesia because it has been proven to be more environmentally friendly.

In addition, AdBlue also has the ability to improve fuel consumption efficiency. If you want to reduce spending on fuel, you can use heavy equipment or vehicles that have applied SCR. To feel the benefits of AdBlue, you can already find SCR and AdBlue technology in various European trucks and also Japanese trucks produced by UD Trucks.

Read more: 7 Most Popular European Trucks in Indonesia

In the Quester product from UD Trucks, AdBlue has a higher level of fuel efficiency. The Quester Euro 5 diesel tank has a capacity of up to 315 liters and a special AdBlue tank of 50 liters. If the use of AdBlue on the Quester Euro 5 is only 3-5% of diesel usage and 1 liter of diesel can be used for 3 kilometers, then AdBlue on UD Trucks’ Quester Euro 5 can be used to travel up to 75 kilometers.

With an AdBlue tank capacity of 50 liters, one full charge of AdBlue can be used to travel up to 3,750 kilometers. So, there is no need to doubt about saving and efficiency.

Read more: 3 Heavy Duty Trucks from UD Trucks Complete with Specifications

What if the AdBlue Tank is Empty?
Although the use of AdBlue will be more efficient compared to other types of fuel, it does not mean that you can neglect the filling of AdBlue. If you feel that you haven’t refilled AdBlue for a long time, it’s a good idea to check.

To find out whether the AdBlue tank is empty or not, you will usually be given a warning message on the MID. If this warning has appeared, then immediately refill the AdBlue in your vehicle.

What happens if the AdBlue tank is empty? Of course, your vehicle unit will stop operating and cannot be started at all. So that the vehicle does not experience damage and AdBlue can work according to its function, don’t forget to make sure that there is always enough AdBlue liquid in the tank.

How to Refill AdBlue?
You can refill empty AdBlue in a motorized vehicle unit at the nearest repair shop or you can also fill it yourself if you have the liquid. What you need to know if you want to refill AdBlue is that the location of the AdBlue tank in each vehicle is different. Some are located next to the mouth of the fuel tank, in the trunk, some are located in the engine room area.

How to refill AdBlue itself is actually quite easy. First, pay attention to the AdBlue warning indicator on your vehicle. If it has indicated a low AdBlue level, immediately fill the AdBlue liquid.

Prepare the AdBlue liquid and look for the AdBlue tank on your vehicle. If the tank has been found, open the tank lid and pour the refill liquid slowly by inserting the bottle lip into the tank hole, turning clockwise until it fits.

If so, pour the AdBlue liquid slowly by applying pressure to the refill bottle so that the AdBlue liquid enters the tank. Is the filling complete? Remove the AdBlue bottle and recap the tank.

Use of SCR and AdBlue in United Tractors Products
Carrying the ESG principle, United Tractors certainly presents products that can reduce the impact of environmental damage. One of the steps applied by UT in maintaining environmental friendliness is by using SCR and AdBlue technology in UD Trucks products such as Quester Dump.

Quester dump truck already has Euro 5 emission standard that produces greener exhaust gas compared to other heavy equipment that has not used SCR and AdBlue system.

In addition to Quester Dump, other products from UT such as Scania bus Euro 5 and Scania Truck Euro 4 have also used SCR technology combined with AdBlue so that fuel use becomes more efficient and of course generates environmentally friendly exhaust emissions.

United Tractors: Distributor of Environmentally Friendly Heavy Equipment
United Tractors has a full awareness of the operation of heavy equipment produced that each of our products is affected and also affects the environment. UT has always been fully committed to creating environmentally friendly products that can contribute to sustainable practices for a healthier environment.

Through Euro 4 and 5 emission standard products such as the Quester series from UD Trucks and trucks and buses from Scania, United Tractors believes that the operation of the vehicles we produce can still maintain sustainable principles because the carbon emissions released can minimize the impact of environmental damage.

Are you looking for a distributor that sells dump trucks and other environmentally friendly heavy equipment? Get it immediately at United Tractors by contacting the UT Contact Center at 1500 072 right now!

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