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Here are 2 Scania European Truck Variants That Suits Your Business

22 January 2024

United Tractors, Jakarta – Working in mining, construction, or other sectors that require heavy equipment makes European trucks one of the most reliable units. Although the presence of European trucks have various features and superiority that are no less than Japan-made trucks.

Similar to Japanese trucks, European trucks are loading and unloading fleets that can be utilized in various sectors. In the mining sector, European trucks have a big contribution in terms of transporting mining products and former mining excavations. With the capacity of giant vessels, European trucks are capable of transporting coal, iron sand, copper ore, and other mining products.

Another reason why European trucks are perfect for use in the mining sector, that they are specially designed to take on rough terrain and massive loads. If you’re looking for a European truck to increase productivity on a mining project, Scania is the perfect choice!

Scania European trucks from United Tractors have two variants of trucks with strong engine power and large carrying capacity. So, it will be easier for you to choose the type of truck that is suitable for your mining project. For more information about Scania European trucks, here we have summarized Scania truck variants and product recommendations.

Scania European Truck Variants You Must Know
Basically, European trucks have several different types. Specifically for the Scania brand, United Tractors has 2 main variants, namely heavy tipper and standard tipper. These two types are actually similar. However, in some components, these trucks cannot be equated. Here is a more complete explanation.

1. Scania Heavy Tipper

As we know, in mining projects, trucks have a repetitive cycle that operates almost all the time. The high productivity in the mining sector makes you have to have a durable truck with a large capacity both in terms of the vessel or engine.

Scania comes with a heavy tipper variant that is able to face the toughness of the mining terrain. Scania heavy tipper is equipped with supporting components that can improve work performance, so that the achievement of mining results becomes more optimal.

With a 25% larger capacity than the standard tipper type, Scania heavy tipper is able to lift heavy loads up to 40 tons. In addition, the front axle capacity of 11 tons and rear axle capacity of up to 38 tons, make Scania heavy tipper as a heavy equipment that will make your mining project performance more productive.

There are several product examples of Scania heavy tipper trucks that you can find at United Tractors. Here’s a brief review.

  • P410-B6X4 HT
    The first type is P410-B6X4 HT with an engine capacity of 410 HP and a payload capacity of 30 tons for the ST type. While the vessel, the P410-B6X4 heavy tipper type has a capacity of more than 17 m³.
  • G460-B8X4
    Slightly larger than the previous type, the G460-B8X4 has an engine capacity of 460 HP. The carrying capacity of this truck is 40 tons and its vessel capacity ranges from 25 m³ OB to 27 m³ Ore.
  • R620-A6x4 HT
    This one is arguably the biggest among all types of heavy hauler trucks from Scania. The R620-A6x4 HT has a SST125 + SST150 double trailer type with an engine capacity of 620 HP. This truck also has single trailer and double trailer types that you can always customize according to your needs.

2. Scania Standard Tipper

The next type of Scania truck is standard tipper. Its specifications are not much different from the heavy tipper variant. However, standard tipper has a smaller size and lower specifications compared to heavy tipper in terms of load capacity, engine power, and gross combination weight.

In size, the standard tipper is smaller than the heavy tipper, but this type is also suitable for applications in mining projects. Especially if the project is only small-scale. Using the standard tipper variant can be more efficient.

Scania standard tipper has a wide range of maximum capacities, as this standard-sized tipper is also a supporting mining truck. This means that standard-sized trucks are not only used to transport mining products, but can also be used to transport other cargo.

With a front axle capacity of 9 tons and a rear axle of 32 tons, the Scania standard tipper European truck is a smart solution for more productive mining projects with a high level of efficiency.

Do you need a standard-sized mining truck with excellent condition and good performance? United Tractors provides Scania standard mining tipper truck products that are ready to take on tough terrain and carry giant loads in your mining area! Here are some examples of its products.

  • P410-B4X4
    The first Standard tipper is the P410-B4X4 type that can fulfill the needs of employee pick-up and drop-off in the mining area. This type is a supporting mining equipment that is very helpful for the project because it is tough and has an engine power of 410 HP and a seating capacity of 48 seats.
  • P410-B6X4
    This type is available in standard and heavy tipper sizes. Its engine capacity reaches 410 HP. Meanwhile, the P410-B6X4 ST has a maximum carrying capacity of 27 tons with a 6X4 wheel configuration and is equipped with a standard-sized vessel with a capacity of 17 m³.
  • P410-B6X6
    Next is the P410-B6X6 type which is supporting equipment in the mining area. The 6X6 wheel configuration makes this truck reliable for various mining jobs such as fuel transportation.
    Enriched with various attachments, the P410-B6X6 can also transport liquid-type products. Specifications include 410 HP engine power and 20kL tank capacity.
  • G500-A6X4
    This truck is suitable for transporting coal, because it has a large enough single trailer capacity, which reaches SDT85. With an engine power of 500 HP, this truck is dubbed as a powerful European truck that is ready to take on any heavy and tough mining terrain!
  • R620-A6x4
    Last but not least is the R620-A6x4, a heavy duty truck that is the toughest mining machine in its class. The large load capacity trailer makes this truck a mainstay when projects require mining transportation equipment to transport coal and other heavy materials.
    The engine capacity of this type is also no joke, reaching 620 HP with a gross combination weight of 270 tons.

When choosing a truck for your project needs, you may be faced with a variety of options. However, if you are looking for a truck that is tough and consistently performs well even in rough terrain, Scania European trucks are the solution. The Scania heavy tipper is suitable for use in mining areas, as it has high engine power and also has a large load carrying capacity.

Read more: 4 Heavy Equipment Must-Have for Mining Owners

Besides heavy tipper, the standard tipper variant from Scania is also worth applying in your mining area, because you will always need supporting equipment to increase work productivity and the final result of your project can be achieved more optimally.

Scania Heavy or Standard Tipper? Get Both at United Tractors!
Looking for a heavy duty truck for your mining needs? United Tractors has 2 variants of Scania European trucks that you can choose from anytime! Whether you want a standard or heavy tipper, you can customize everything according to your needs. The large load capacity and engine power will make your mining project more efficient and productive.

Reach UT Call at 1500 072 for excellent after-sales service of heavy equipment from United Tractors, or visit the nearest UT branch office to get more information about heavy equipment and direct consultation!

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